Public Art in Wildwood

by Bill Lambert

As you stroll around Grass Valley and travel to other larger cities you have undoubtedly seen displays of public art. Such artwork can take many forms, from murals to fountains, earthworks, special lighting, live performances, banners, sidewalk inserts, audio installations, and large sculptures, either static or kinetic. Well, why not in Lake Wildwood? This was the question on the minds of the Lake Wildwood Association’s (LWA) art club, “Artists of the Oaks” (AotO), when it conjured up an effort to bring public art to our community. After presenting the idea informally to several of the LWA standing committees in 2022, and to a few Board members and staff, the club voted to set aside a small amount of funds and embark on a formal approval process.

Last summer a public art initiative for Lake Wildwood was approved by the LWA Board of Directors. The Board and AotO joined forces to enhance the visual appearance of LWA property, and specifically to install works of art in public locations. The LWA Board, with an endorsement from the Parks & Recreation Committee, approved an initiative to implement a small-scale mural project. The AOTO provided funding for this project (no LWWA funds were used), buying wood panels and giving a small paint stipend to each artist. 

After that approval a Call for Artists was issued for a “Bath House Mural” project. Five murals were to be painted on wood panels and installed on the exterior wall at each of Wildwood’s 5 beach park restrooms. The size of each mural varies based upon the location. Multiple artists initially came forward and in the end nine different “mock-up” designs were submitted.

Then a selection panel comprised of 3 members of AOTO and 2 members of the LWA Parks & Recreation Committee met to mull over the designs. The five selected finalists’ designs were presented to the LWA Board of Directors and approved this past October. The wood panels were purchased, cut to size and delivered to each of the 5 selected artists who spent November and December painting their designs on the panels. When completed the mural panels were delivered to Public Works and installed. There is now public art in Wildwood!

Below are summaries of each artists’ inspiration and ideas in creating their mural panels

Ray Slater: “Anthony House” at Commodore

I have been painting for more than 15 years. I started with watercolors and moved to acrylics. I paint a variety of subjects from landscapes to sailing vessels. I am inspired by the light and color of the Sierra foothills. 

Gina Faulk: “Bird Streets of Wildwood” at Vista

I became a full-time professional artist 40 years ago. I have worked for several restaurants, boutiques and private homes doing commission work since the mid-80s. I have worked for clients all over the country including celebrities and large companies. I am semi-retired moving here to Lake Wildwood from San Diego 5 years ago. I am pleased to be donating my time to a meaningful project like this. “Birds Streets of Wildwood” represents the streets here named after birds.

Jane Lee: “Girl with Flowers” at Hideaway

What a great experience painting on 5’x7’ huge, wood panel using a giant brush. I thank the LWW community for allowing our Art Club to do murals in five parks.  Our five artists worked hard painting the Bath House Murals and they will be a beautiful addition to each park. I am hoping we all keep our parks and community safe, clean and beautiful.

Jody & Doug Faker: “Water Skier” at Meadow

I started painting in 2015 right after I retired as a teacher from Nevada Union High School! I enjoyed it so much and stuck with it! My husband, Doug, and I have lived here since 1994 and came to this area for the lakes and waterskiing. We have been so blessed to live on the lake and have the waterski course in our backyard. Hence, the reason for the water skier mural! Hope you enjoy it!

Mary Jane Augustine: “Deer” at Explorer

My background as an artist first started in Idaho as a mural and public artist in my teens.  Most recently I have my art displayed in the Artists Nook in Marysville for the past year and at local businesses in Nevada County. The mural I created for the public art project in Lake Wildwood was inspired by all the beautful deer in the neighborhood that are so majestic.  The natural beauty of Lake Wildwood is the perfect backdrop for the stunning wildlife we see here. 

Cheri Merrifield

Long retired I am a hobby artist, but I have been painting for decades. Besides art paints, I also did faux painting professionally. Mural work has been a standard for me. I volunteered to add murals to the Humane Society of Tampa and have also painted the Western Gateway dog park shed. The Tennis Court is a fun project that I hope everyone enjoys.

Jane Lee

I enjoy all facets of art, including painting, as a member of LWW “Artists of the Oaks” club. My life-long dream of artistic creation is ful+lled here in LWW ever since we moved here 15 years ago. This is the second mural I created for LWW, and it is more special this time because I got to paint for the club of the sport that I love playing passionately, the Pickleball Club. For the prior mural at Hideaway Park, I had a general idea of the art +rst and had to +ll in details as I painted. This time, I had the complete picture in my mind, picked the exact colors, and pre-mixed the paints, enough for each subject in the work. I hope this will please those who view it for many years to come.

Susan Bass

Egret at the Marina - I have a “thing” for egrets… they’ve always seemed to me to be a sign of good luck coming. So a depiction of an egret watching boats on Lake Wildwood at sunset was a natural go-to for me. My idea was to portray the enjoyment of the beautiful lake by both wildlife and humans, living in harmony. Designing this painting, I wanted to do a landscape that could be read and understood easily from a distance. I’d like to thank the AOTO art club and the LWW community for the opportunity to provide this painting.

These “Bath House Murals”, sponsored by Artists of the Oaks in collaboration with the LWA Board and staff, were created for the enjoyment of the LWA community. We thank the LWA Board and administrative staff for their support and even enthusiasm for the opportunity to bring artwork into Wildwood’s public spaces. The next time you visit our beach parks, take note of the murals. We hope you appreciate the artistic upgrades!